Better on the other side of change

Connect to fun
and games

From an early age, my passion for food and love of play set the stage for my journey as an entrepreneur. It began when I pursued a career as a Registered Dietitian. My profound love for food quickly became the foundation of my practice. It drove me to explore the intricate link between nutrition and well-being, while empowering people with a balanced and enjoyable methodology to eating.

My approach to solving some of the toughest nutritional challenges was to use the power of play. Play and gamification allowed clients to see food from a different perspective. They embraced lightheartedness, found joy in eating, and the dinner table became a fun place to be. The results were immediate and life-changing!

I had an opportunity to present to a corporate audience and noticed that my play and gamification process helped solve workplace challenges much faster! I noticed that through laughter, games, and playful activities, people became happier and more collaborative.

I knew I was onto something…

I created my signature 4-step P.L.A.Y Process to boost engagement, productivity, and profitability.

Today, I continue to bridge the gap between work and play, inspiring people to create positive change. By unlocking new dimensions of learning, motivation, and breakthroughs, I empower individuals and teams to solve problems with a playful spirit.

Together, we will embark on a journey that leverages the transformative power of playfulness, opening doors to a vibrant and fulfilling life.

Ready to get your game on? Let’s connect!

How to Thrive Through Play in
Stressful Times

Lisa Jones unwraps the magic of play and sprinkles a dash of fun on those stressful moments. Discover how play can be your secret weapon for resilience and navigating challenges.

Staying connected through values

Dove carrying a branch - Values, Integrity "Keep it real!"


“Keep it real”

Practicing truthfulness and behaving with integrity carves the path for mutual respect. It’s a pillar of guidance that can be used personally and professionally.

Puppies playing - Values, Empathy "Lead with heart"


“Lead with heart”

Connecting at a deeper level, forging meaningful experiences, and creating a more compassionate world. Being able to walk in someone else’s shoes to find better solutions.

Dog with mouse, lizard and bird on its back - Values, Trust "Open up to fresh perspectives"


“Open up to fresh perspectives”

Creating a safe and enjoyable environment for people to be inspired to engage and share. Trust is the foundation to building long-lasting relationships.

Goat playing a guitar - Values, Fun "Humanize life's experiences"


“Humanize life’s experiences”

Fostering playfulness allows people to relax, bond with others, and ultimately create memorable experiences. With fun, life becomes exponentially more enjoyable.

Parrots kissing - Values, Attentive "Stay Present"


“Stay present”

Being a great listener and fully present in the moment. Paying attention and maintaining the connection will lead to improved efficiency and greater productivity.

Ants carrying a cupcake - Values, Determination "Overcome challenges"


“Overcome challenges”

Can’t get knocked down! Determination is the engine that drives goals forward even when it gets tough. It’s about embracing a resilient mindset to keep moving towards dreams.

Dog plugging ears with a light bulb over its head - Values, Change "Play with evolution"


“Play with evolution”

Run towards change! Adapt to the idea that things will never be the same which will carve the path to growth and expansion. Change will become easier when having fun.

I'm on a mission to uncover new opportunities, unleash creative energy, and make impossible things happen!